Our team, led by a compassionate in-house Certified Lake Manager with over 40 years of experience, passionately confronts environmental challenges, enriches our ecosystems, and safeguards the beauty of the natural world. We offer the following expertise:
Aquatic Plant Mapping and Management Plans
Effluent Plume Modeling
Environmental Site Assessment
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Phytoplankton Microscopic Identification
HABs Response Plans
Lake and Watershed Management
Hydrologic and Nutrient Budgets
In-Lake and Watershed Best Management Practices
Watershed Management Plans
Source Water Protection Plans
Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Drinking Water Reservoirs
Lakes, Rivers & Streams
Water Quality Response Modeling
Wetland Services
Wetland Delineation
Wetland Mitigation and Restoration Design